Thursday, January 31, 2013

sharin the love with links!

This is Chiara Ferragani... and I kind of love her.   She's a blogger and Instagramer and I just think she is super pretty, in a very soft natural kind of way. Though sometimes she totally dresses up-up she's always...I don't know, approachable somehow.  She makes me want to dress better, she makes me want to accessorize.  She also has an adorable pup named Matilda.  I highly recommend checking her out!

These are The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders....and I kind of love them too.  I found myself caught up in the season of Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, Making the Team and every time an episode ended, I found myself putting on my gym shoes.  They made me want to work out...not because I ever think I'll be doing the splits or any one of their routines..just because.  I also love how supportive they are of each other.  You would think that watching 50 or so really pretty women work together would be super catty and awful and in most cases you'd be right but not in the cheerleaders locker room or anywhere else. I even went so far as to buy one of their fitness DVDs, but it's still in the wrapper.

Also, San Diego Zoo's newest panda him so much. I watch the Panda Cam everyday!! It has been so cool to watch him grow...when he's asleep check out the penguins...they're always walking around like they're taking a sobriety test!

Coachella, and the line up, and having tickets, and an awesome place to stay with friends and a pool and a view, and the time off from work, and pie at the Wheel Inn on the way home! Totally worth the run on sentence, cause there was so much to love!

A few other random things I'm loving right now: the Candy Crush Saga game on FB,  Valentine's Day candy, my next paycheck, and that I've been fighting a sore throat for three days, but I think I won!!

Anything you'd like to share?  I'd love to hear from you!!

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