Last week I went out to Glendale to take a Relax and Recharge workshop at the Heartbeat House. Luisa lead us through "moving meditation, breath work, yin stretching and chakra release". I really enjoy Luisa's classes (she also teaches Yoga Booty Ballet), she just has a great energy...very positive. A little positivity can go a long way.
(Note/Reminder to self)
It was a very interesting 2 hour workshop...and it kind of flew by. I like the idea of setting intentions, and appreciate reminders through out the class...because on my own it's like in one ear out the other, or um, in my mind and then not. My intentions are like my abs...I seem to only be able to focus on them for a very short period of time. Both things I should spend a little more time focusing on. See handy dandy chart below for guidance on intention...I found this very helpful as I tend to focus on feelings first.
Next up, a Winter Solstice Dance Party. Happy to have been invited, as I mentioned this time of year can be a little rough around the edges for me. I need to feel a little bit of the obligation (for example: meeting a friend) to get myself out of the house around the holidays.
Love this and you