This week I had two interviews and am moving forward with the hiring process next week in a spa. I'm so happy that I will finally be putting my Esthetician's license to use. I hope that I have actually found my path.
Today during my second interview I was asked what made me choose the skin care profession. I suppose a love of products is part of it, but thinking back I've been interested in skin and body care for a long time, I love the atmosphere that you get to work in and helping others to feel good inside and out is a great feeling. Right out of high school I took a course in massage therapy, but at the time I didn't have very supportive friends. I had people that chuckled about my chosen profession. I considered going into skin care then, but put it off thinking that no one would take me seriously.

If you are ever at a point in your life where you want to change direction, trust yourself. The true hearts in your life will support you.