Monday, April 23, 2012

pretty and "wrinkle free forever"

I just started a book by Howard Murad, M.D. called "Wrinkle-Free Forever, the 5 minute 5 week Dermatologist's Program" (I'm taking a short break from the Fifty Shades of Grey series).  I'm really enjoying the book.

It deals a lot with staying wrinkle free by starting from the inside...with the idea that a healthy body will lead to healthy skin.  Of course he talks about eating right, but he also delves into using supplements.  I'm only on chapter six, but I feel like everything being said makes a certain amount of sense. I even remembered to take my multivitamin this morning.

He goes into detail about what to look for in your products, and while he does bring attention to the Murad line, it's not just one big advertisement (which I appreciate). I've become weary of when the author also has their own product line, it seems like they often just end up promoting themselves and then slack on the information.

I picked up my copy from the library, but I'm sure it would be easy to get from a bookstore or online.

Have you read anything interesting lately?

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