Saturday, April 26, 2014

crazy week...leads to bright future

What a crazy week at work! We were short one person down at the end of a quarter...stressful for sure, but overall our little office pulled together and got stuff handled. We've got until Wednesday to see how we did for the quarter total, but I think it's looking good.

Now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel I'm looking forward to getting my life back. Some of things I'm looking forward to in the next couple of months are:
  • Getting back to YBB at Heartbeat House, over in LA/Atwater...Love dancing with Luisa and Kristen teaching!
  • Meeting up with the Pilates trainer.  Just going to look at the cost as an investment in me.  I really like this quiet little studio in La Verne, Equilibrium Fitness.  I've been working with Becky, but everyone seems nice.
  • Would like to schedule a little trip in there somewhere many ideas up in the air.  Suggestions for solo travels anyone?
  • Getting together with friends for some lovely summer nights!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

going with the flo

I've considered this purchase for a while and finally broke down and bought myself and Indo Board.  Although I've only ever been to surf camp once (forever ago) deep down I fancy myself a surfer at heart.  I love the idea of paddling out and waiting for that perfect moment where you paddle and pop up and gracefully guide across the ocean for a few delightful seconds.

I initially picked up the board with just the roller...based on the reviews the cushion was too easy and people quickly switched to the roller.  I on the other hand had the roller and quickly went and ordered the cushion.
I'm glad I did, it's more stable and I can actually balance (a little) on it. So far, I've only used it in five minute increments...but it's a start and at least I'm using my purchase.   

I'll update my progress on this.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

short hair selfie time

A couple of weeks ago I went to my hairstylist and went short.  I'll admit I was a bit nervous at that moment she touched the back of neck and said "OK, here we go", but I kind of love a lot. My thanks goes out to Lisamarie at Luxe in Glendora.

My hair hasn't been short since I was about 7 years old.  Back then, I wanted a bob like my best friend at the time had (she pulled it off well).  I insisted even when my mother and the stylist seemed to want to talk me out of it.  After the mother drove me home, and I went into the bathroom sat on the the counter and proceeded to cry at the mirror whilst pulling my hair willing it to grow back.

Now though, I've got this grown up a line bob.  My hair holds curl now, I can wear it wavy if I want.  The flat iron makes it all sleek.  There is just (barely) enough to pull into a ponytail for when I'm lazing around the house (today's look).

I do feel that I need to work on the selfie thing though.  As much as I love my hair, I do not like taking my picture.  I'll put selfies on my to-do list (or maybe my to-do-later list) one of the two.

Cheers to you and hope you had a great day and a happy Easter.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

little updates

I've made a couple of minor changes to the Prettypalooza the description and the tamapalooza (about me) areas.  

From here on out, I'll be taking on more areas of my life.  Beyond just product reviews (although I'll still have those too...I like to share).  Maybe it's because I watched Bridget Jones the other morning in it's entirety...I don't know; but I'd like to tell it like it is.

Pretty is not just inside or out, it's a combination, it's life experience, it's everything all mixed together and it's different for everyone.  I'd like to put more of me out here and see what happens.

I hope you'll continue on with me.
Thank you.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hard Candy

Whilst waiting for my prescription to be filled I sometimes wander the beauty aisle (other times I snag a tabloid from the magazine section and get comfy on a bench).  My wandering brought me to Hard Candy.  I associate this brand with my teenage years (I checked they began back in 1995).  Hard Candy was unattainable to me then (it was beyond my Bonne Bell budget and non-pink nail polish was frowned upon by my mom at the time).

I walked away with their Just Face It (their "featherweight" foundation).  My shade turned out to be 777, how lucky am I?  Pros: For guessing on my shade, it turned out right.  A little goes a long way with this as well and it blends nicely too.  Cons: The pump quit pumping within a week...bummer, but whatev I'm not above unscrewing the lid.

I also picked up their 1,000 lashes mascara in Divine Purple.  Oh yeah, I did it...purple mascara (my inner 15 year old was stoked!).  It's really subtle, just a little hint in the right light.  Pros: Subtle enough for everyday, not at all clumpy. Cons: None that I've found.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

beauty on the cheap

Did you know that Marshall's has beauty products?  I guess maybe I did...but I didn't pay much attention.  I found some awesome deals and they were are all cruelty free to boot! (Going cruelty free has lead to some fun surprises. It can be a little work, but it's totally worth it.)

Marshall's fun finds:
1) Resveraderm: Advanced Skin Care Complex.  A day and night cream with Resveratol (red wine grape antioxidant) by Dermapeutics.  (MSRP: $125.00, Marshall's: $14.99)

2) Also by Dermapeutics a Hyaluronic Eye Lift Serum. (MSRP: $55.00, Marshall's $9.99).

3) Intensive Heel Repair (because flip flop season is pretty much year round) by Earth Therapeutics.  It's got Tea Tree Oil and Peppermint. ($3.99)

4) A nummy scented scrub "Peaches and Passion" also by Earth Therapeutics (and also $3.99).  Getting my arms ready for tank tops has never smelled so delicious.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pleased by Pilates

My weight is a little bit of an issue for me.  It felt like it came on all of a sudden a few years back (thank you 30s!) and I've been struggling with it ever since.  Not a big struggle mind you, I would rather go out to eat than go to the gym.

I've been enjoying taking the occasional Yoga Booty Ballet class at the Heartbeat House in Atwater Village. Luisa and Kristen's classes just leave me feeling good about myself both mentally and physically.  The only issue I have is the drive.  One evening recently it was pointed out that my drive took longer than the class. Womp womp.

In an effort to find a closer alternative (but by no means giving up on my YBB) I looked in Pilates.  Tucked away in a small lot in La Verne I found Equilibrium Fitness.  After a little phone tag with the trainers, I made an appointment with Becky and went in for my first training session last Friday.

It was AMAZING.  How have I not tried Pilates before this? It was slow and relaxing...but I worked muscles all over my person. I was just sore enough the next day, like a "hello muscle, where have you been hiding?" kind of sore.  Becky showed me how to breathe and made corrections throughout our one hour meeting.  She was super sweet and supportive. Once I am more comfortable around the equipment (it is a bit daunting) I will try out the group classes they offer.  I am so excited to see Becky again on Wednesday and even better I am finally looking forward to working out again.

I highly recommend checking out studios in your area.  I've noticed that a lot of places offer an introductory special.  If you've been looking to get in shape but dread going to the gym (sweaty treadmills and people hogging machines playing on their phones) a one on one or small group class may be the way to go.