Sunday, January 19, 2014

Overheard at the grocery store

A week or so ago I was at the grocery store and overheard the clerks talking about Emergen-C (or Airborne/Air Armour...what have you).  It was a generally agreed upon fact that mixing these tabs or packets with water is unpleasant.  Then one of the ladies said to mix it with 7up (or Sprite...again, what have you).

Earlier this week, I was feeling poorly almost to the point of being sick but not quite.  I had some Airborne packets...I picked up a bottle of Sprite and went to work.  I mixed the two and voila, not bad.  About an hour later I did it again.  By noon, I have to say I was feeling better.  Sickness averted, hooray!

Hope you're keeping healthy so far in the new year!


Thursday, January 16, 2014


I like many others out there really love Pineterest.  I used recipes from Pinterest for most of Thanksgiving dinner this year.  Here's a little something that I stumbled across today (which lead me to Etsy..oh dear):

I really like her whimsy, here is a sample:

If you like it too, check out:  liliana design

(I don't sponsor her or anything, I just wanted to share.)


Sunday, January 12, 2014

foundation factors

At Sephora today, my friend and I were perusing foundations.  I'm pretty evenly running out of 3 different BB creams and one Bobbi Brown foundation.

While I've been online and seen how many brands are cruelty free, it still feels like a very small collection once you are actually standing in the store streaking your hand with makeup.  We reviewed the list as we entered: Tarte, Urban Decay, and Too Faced...there are a few more brands (but it's not like they have blinking lights in the shape of a bunny beckoning you nice would that be?).

Not all brands that are cruelty free carry a bunny logo, so unless you know before you go or carry a list of animal friendly companies with you at all times, you may not know to check them out.  There is also the "parent company" to consider.  Estee Lauder and L'Oreal own a lot of companies out there and the "parents" choose to sell in China (who requires animal testing).  Here I thought the hard part was choosing the right shade in bad lighting!

I didn't end up with anything from Sephora today, but I've got an Ulta coupon all cut out and waiting for me to forget so I'll be heading over there soon.  Maybe I'll bring a list!


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Dilemma in the beauty aisle

So my resolution for 2014 (I only made one, so as not to lose focus...and I because I'm a bit of a quitter) was to only purchase beauty products that are cruelty free.  The first week was a breeze (as I did not need anything). 

Then came the eighth of January.  I was out of chapstick.  I didn't have one on me at work, and by the end of the day my lips were chapped big time.  I tried to drink lots of water and even spread some hand lotion over my lips.  It did not help.

I was at the drugstore and looked around at the lip products.  My eyes spied Maybelline's Baby Lips.  I had tried it before and really liked it.  I picked it up.  I held it in my hand.  Then I realized I couldn't purchase it.  I fought with myself in the beauty aisle.  I had the whole angel/devil shoulder dilemma going on.  "Just get's one little thing." said the one..."YOU will know...every time you put it on" said the other.

I put it back.  I ended up with a Burt's Bee's product.  I don't love it, it's only okay.  My options were limited in this particular store at this particular time.  It's okay though, because in the end I felt good about my choice, and I now have something to keep in my desk at I won't have the same problem again any time soon.

Do you have any resolutions this year?? How are they going?

Good luck to you!